Uses of Class

Packages that use CloudNode Contains all necessary classes to represent and manage a Cloud structure connected to the cloud database. Contains all necessary classes to manage the Hibernate Session connected to a cloud database. 

Uses of CloudNode in

Methods in that return CloudNode
 CloudNode Cloud.addNode()
          Generate and add a new node to this Cloud.
 CloudNode Resource.getNode()
          Get the owner CloudNode.
 CloudNode EsType.getNode()
          Get the owner CloudNode.
 CloudNode EsTerm.getNode()
          Get the owner CloudNode.
 CloudNode CloudEdge.getSource()
          Getter for the starting (source) node of this edge.
 CloudNode CloudEdge.getTarget()
          Getter for the ending (target) node of this edge.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type CloudNode
 Set<CloudNode> Cloud.getNodes()
          Get the set of all nodes associated with this cloud

Methods in with parameters of type CloudNode
 void Cloud.addEdge(CloudNode source, CloudNode target, double weight)
          Generates a new edge between two nodes owned by this cloud.
protected  CloudEdge CloudNode.addEdge(CloudNode node, double weight)
          Adds an edge to the current node.
 CloudEdge CloudNode.getEdge(CloudNode target)
          Get the edge having this node as a source node and the given node as target if such an edge exists.
protected  void Resource.setNode(CloudNode node)
          Set the identifier of the owner node.
protected  void EsType.setNode(CloudNode node)
          Set the identifier of the owner node.
 void EsTerm.setNode(CloudNode node)
          Set the identifier of the owner node.

Constructors in with parameters of type CloudNode
EsTerm(CloudNode node, Integer termId, String value, Double relevance)
          Direct use of this constructor is discouraged.
EsType(CloudNode node, String classId, Double relevance)
          Direct use of this constructor is discouraged.
Resource(CloudNode node, String resId, Double relevance)
          Direct use of this constructor is discouraged.

Uses of CloudNode in

Methods in with parameters of type CloudNode
 void node)
          Give persistence to the given CloudNode object using associated Hibernate mappings.