
Contains all necessary classes to represent and manage a Cloud structure connected to the cloud database.


Class Summary
Cloud Main class of the cloud framework, representation of a cloud graph.
CloudEdge Representation of a directed edge connecting two nodes of the cloud.
CloudNode Representation of a node of the cloud providing methods for content's management.
EsTerm Representation of an essential's keyword with associated relevance.
EsType Representation of an essential's type with associated relevance.
Resource Representation of a resource to be associated with a node.

Package Description

Contains all necessary classes to represent and manage a Cloud structure connected to the cloud database.

Usage as a Java object library

The main class of this package is the Cloud class, exposing methods for nodes and edges creation. In fact this class represents a graph (direct or indirect) where every node is a collection of resources (represented by an id and a prominence). Moreover, a label called essential is associated to every node, divided in two sets:

Usage as an Hibernate wrapper library

All represented classes are associated with an xml mapping file (contained in the same package) defining database mappings for Hibernate purposes. The subpackage session contains all necessary classes to manage the database session (take a look at the package description for more information).

The document config/cloudDatabaseConfiguration.xml contains the database connection paremeters (such as URL, database name and database type).