Class CloudNodeManager

  extended by

public class CloudNodeManager
extends Object

Manages object saving and querying for CloudNode wrapper. This class contains most used interrogations and methods for saving an object of CloudNode class.

IMPORTANT: this class has no public constructor. A singleton instance of this class is contained in CloudSessionManager class


Method Summary
protected static CloudNodeManager getCloudNodeManager()
 void save(CloudNode node)
          Give persistence to the given CloudNode object using associated Hibernate mappings.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


protected static CloudNodeManager getCloudNodeManager()


public void save(CloudNode node)

Give persistence to the given CloudNode object using associated Hibernate mappings.

This method executes the saveOrUpdate method of the Hibernate Session. Every CloudNode object is saved in cascade mode by default when saving the owner Cloud object: invoking this method directly will save this object, its parameters, types and keywords; no action will be performed for other connected objects.