instances belonging to this
getBelongingKnowledgeChunks(String ...)
- getBelongKc() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.Predicate
- Getter for the kc which is the starting point of this properties path.
- getcEmptyContextStrategy() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Configuration
- getcInheritance() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Configuration
- getClassId() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.EsType
- Get current type identifier (an EsType is actually an association between a
a CloudNode
- getCloud() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.CloudNode
- Get the owner cloud (
object) of this node.
- getCloudById(Integer) -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.session.CloudManager
- getCloudEdgeManager() -
Static method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.session.CloudEdgeManager
- getCloudManager() -
Static method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.session.CloudManager
- getCloudNodeManager() -
Static method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.session.CloudNodeManager
- getcLWeight() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Configuration
- getcMatchModel() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Configuration
- getcMatchStrategy() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Configuration
- getCode() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.DocumentExtraction
- Getter for the
- getComment() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Mapping
- getComment() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.MappingSet
- getConf() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.MappingSet
- getConfidence() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Mapping
- getCreationDate() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.MappingSet
- getcTreshold() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Configuration
- getDefaultConfiguration() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.User
- getDescription() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Relation
- getDocument() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.DocumentExtraction
- Getter for the
- getDocumentById(String) -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.session.DocumentManager
- Used to load a Document instance from the database.
- getDocumentManager() -
Static method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.session.DocumentManager
- getDocuments() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.KnowledgeChunk
- Retrieves all the documents which this kc belongs to.
- getEdge(CloudNode) -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.CloudNode
- Get the edge having this node as a source node and the given node as target if such
an edge exists.
- getEdges() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.Cloud
- Get the set of all edges associated with this cloud.
- getEdges() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.CloudNode
- Get the set of edges having this node as a source node.
- getExtractedFrom() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.KnowledgeChunk
- Getter for the list of document where this kc belongs.
- getExtractedKc() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.DocumentExtraction
- Getter for the
- getFrequency() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.Term
- Getter for the
- getGlobal() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.KnowledgeChunk
- getId() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.Cloud
- Get the id of the corresponding database persisted object.
- getId() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.CloudEdge
- Get the id of the corresponding database persisted object.
- getId() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.CloudNode
- Get the id of the corresponding database persisted object.
- getId() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.EsTerm
- Get current essential-term identifier (database purposes only)
- getId() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.EsType
- Get current essential-type identifier (database purposes only)
- getId() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.DocumentExtraction
- Getter for the correspondent kc.extracted table row.
- getId() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.KnowledgeChunk
- Getter for the identifier of this class.
- getId() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.Predicate
- Getter for the identifier of this object (database purpose).
- getId() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.Term
- Getter for the identifier of this object in the linked database.
- getId() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.Type
- Getter for the
- getId() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Configuration
- getId() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Mapping
- getId() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.MappingSet
- getiMaximizeUndefWeightsProp() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Configuration
- getInstance() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.Type
- Getter for the
- getInternalSession() -
Static method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.session.CloudSessionManager
- getInternalSession() -
Static method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.session.KCSessionManager
- getInternalSession() -
Static method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.session.MapSessionManager
- getiReasoner() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Configuration
- getIsUserValid() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Mapping
- getiTreshold() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Configuration
- getiUseMatchSelector() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Configuration
- getiUseReasoner() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Configuration
- getKc() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.Term
- Getter for the
- getKCManager() -
Static method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.session.KCManager
- getKeywords() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.CloudNode
- Get the set of all keywords associated to this node.
- getKnowledgeChunkById(String) -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.session.KCManager
- Used to load a KnowledgeChunk instance from the database.
- getLinks() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.KnowledgeChunk
- Getter for the set of predicates having this node as a
- getlStringMetric() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Configuration
- getlTreshold() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Configuration
- getlUseStringMatch() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Configuration
- getlUseWn() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Configuration
- getlWnMetric() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Configuration
- getMapCardinality() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Configuration
- getMappingManager() -
Static method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.session.MappingManager
- getMappings() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.MappingSet
- getMappingSet() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Mapping
- getMappingSetManager() -
Static method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.session.MappingSetManager
- getMatcher() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Configuration
- getMatchingAxioms() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Mapping
- getName() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.KnowledgeChunk
- Getter for the name representation of this
- getName() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.User
- getNode() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.EsTerm
- Get the owner
- getNode() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.EsType
- Get the owner
- getNode() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.Resource
- Get the owner
- getNodes() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.Cloud
- Get the set of all nodes associated with this cloud
- getNote() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.DocumentExtraction
- Getter for the
- getP1() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.Predicate
- Getter for the first property of this path.
- getPassword() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.User
- getPathLength() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.Predicate
- Getter for the
- getPn() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.Predicate
- Getter for the last property of this path.
- getProminence() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.CloudNode
- Getter for the prominence value of this node
- getRelation() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Mapping
- getRelationById(String) -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.session.RelationManager
This method reads a Relation instance having
as primary key value from the database
and returns it.
- getRelationManager() -
Static method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.session.RelationManager
- getRelevance() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.EsTerm
- Get current term relevance.
- getRelevance() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.EsType
- Get current type relevance.
- getRelevance() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.Resource
- Get the relevance of this resource for this node.
- getRelevance() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.Term
- Getter for the
- getResourceId() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.Resource
- Get the id of the connected resource represented by this class.
- getResources() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.CloudNode
- Get the set of all resources connected to this node.
- getSessionFactory() -
Static method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.session.CloudSessionManager
- Returns an Hibernate Session Factory created for this kc model.
- getSessionFactory(File) -
Static method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.session.CloudSessionManager
- Same as
- getSessionFactory() -
Static method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.session.KCSessionManager
- Returns an Hibernate Session Factory created for this kc model.
- getSessionFactory(File) -
Static method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.session.KCSessionManager
- Same as
- getSessionFactory() -
Static method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.session.MapSessionManager
- Returns an Hibernate Session Factory created for this kc model.
- getSessionFactory(File) -
Static method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.session.MapSessionManager
- Same as
- getSimilarity() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Mapping
- getSource() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.CloudEdge
- Getter for the starting (source) node of this edge.
- getSource() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.MappingSet
- getSource_element() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Mapping
- getSourceConnectionString() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.MappingSet
- getSymbol() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Relation
- getTarget() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.CloudEdge
- Getter for the ending (target) node of this edge.
- getTarget() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.MappingSet
- getTarget_element() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.Mapping
- getTargetConnectionString() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.MappingSet
- getTargetEntity() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.Cloud
- Getter for the target entity string representing the focus topic of this cloud.
- getTermEquipment() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.KnowledgeChunk
- Getter for the full term equipment of this object.
- getTermEquipmentFlat() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.KnowledgeChunk
- Getter for the term equipment flat representation.
- getTermId() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.EsTerm
- Get current term identifier (an EsTerm is actually an association between a
a CloudNode
- getTermValue() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.EsTerm
- Get current term string representation (real term value)
- getType() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.KnowledgeChunk
- Getter for the type of this object.
- getType() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.Type
- Getter for the
- getType() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.MappingSet
- getTypeByClassInstance(KnowledgeChunk, KnowledgeChunk) -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.session.TypeManager
- getTypeById(Integer) -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.session.TypeManager
- getTypeManager() -
Static method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.session.TypeManager
- getTypes() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.CloudNode
- Get the set of all types associated to this node.
- getTypes() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.KnowledgeChunk
- Getter for the set of all types of this kc.
- getUri() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.Document
- Getter for the URI field.
- getUrl() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.Document
- Getter for the URL field.
- getUser() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.MappingSet
- getUsername() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.map.User
- getValue() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.Predicate
- Getter for the literal representation of the object of this predicate.
- getValue() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.Term
- Getter for the keyword value.
- getValueKc() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.Predicate
- Getter for the kc which is the ending point of this properties path.
- getValueLength() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.Predicate
- Getter for the
- getValueType() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.Predicate
- Getter for the
- getWeight() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.cloud.CloudEdge
- Getter for the
parameter of this edge.
- getWeight() -
Method in class it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.DocumentExtraction
- Getter for the