ISL@b IDBS2 libraries 1.1 Beta 3

Package it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.session

Contains all necessary classes to manage the Hibernate Session connected to a kc database.

See: Description

Package it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.session Description

Contains all necessary classes to manage the Hibernate Session connected to a kc database.


To use this Hibernate Wrapper it is sufficient to access static methods of KCSessionManager class. Through this class is possible to access static fields representing entity managers or to retrieve an Hibernate Session built on the KnowledgeChunk database definition.

Contained helpers

Each one of the following fields is a reference to a singleton instance of class containing all available functions for a structure management.

N.B.: Calling the save method on the KCManager object will produce a sequence of cascade events in order to save all the connected objects (in fact the full KnowledgeChunk context) [TESTED]. Calling the save method on another object of this package will produce the saving of the object and all his direct linked properties [NOT TESTED].

From KCSessionManager class of this package it is also possible to access a static function getSessionFactory that will return an Hibernate session factory in order to grant the direct access to the Hibernate system.

ISL@b IDBS2 libraries 1.1 Beta 3