
Contains all necessary classes to represent and manage an HMatch MappingSet structure connected to the map database.


Class Summary
Configuration This class represents a wrapper for the configuration parameters used in a specific HMatch execution.
Mapping Representation of a matching result.
MappingSet Container for a set of Mappings representing the high level matching between two Documents or between two KnowledgeChunks.
Relation Representation of a custom comparison relation.
User This class is a wrapper for user's information.

Enum Summary
MappingSetType Representation of the possible MappingSet categories.

Package Description

Contains all necessary classes to represent and manage an HMatch MappingSet structure connected to the map database. This structure represents three levels of detail (as shown in Figure 1):

  1. The first level is about the documents being matched. A document is usually including a set of KnowledgeChunks.
  2. The second level is about the KnowledgeChunk's matching, it contains the matching values between them
  3. The third level is about the matching between the properties (usually Predicate) of KCs couple (this is the lowest level of detail).

Figure 1

Usage as a Java object library

The main class of this package is the MappingSet class, exposing methods for Mapping Set management. This class represents the result of a matching operation obtained using the HMatch software. It contains information about the first detail level and is linked to a set of mappings (class Mapping), representation of the second level of detail. The third and last level is represented by the class Mapping again by a self referentiation. Moreover it contains information about the user that required the execution of HMatch (class User) and

Usage as an Hibernate wrapper library

All represented classes are associated with an xml mapping file (contained in the same package) defining database mappings for Hibernate purposes.

All represented classes are associated with an xml mapping file (contained in the same package) defining database mappings for Hibernate purposes. The subpackage session contains all necessary classes to manage the database session (take a look at the package description for more information).