Uses of Class

Packages that use KnowledgeChunk
it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc Contains all necessary classes to represent and manage a KnowledgeChunk structure connected to the kc database. 
it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.session Contains all necessary classes to manage the Hibernate Session connected to a kc database. 

Uses of KnowledgeChunk in it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc

Methods in it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc that return KnowledgeChunk
 KnowledgeChunk Predicate.getBelongKc()
          Getter for the kc which is the starting point of this properties path.
 KnowledgeChunk DocumentExtraction.getExtractedKc()
          Getter for the kc field.
 KnowledgeChunk Type.getInstance()
          Getter for the instance field.
 KnowledgeChunk Term.getKc()
           Getter for the kc field.
 KnowledgeChunk Predicate.getP1()
           Getter for the first property of this path.
 KnowledgeChunk Predicate.getPn()
           Getter for the last property of this path.
 KnowledgeChunk Type.getType()
          Getter for the type field.
 KnowledgeChunk Predicate.getValueKc()
          Getter for the kc which is the ending point of this properties path.

Methods in it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc that return types with arguments of type KnowledgeChunk
 Set<KnowledgeChunk> Document.getBelongingKnowledgeChunks()
          This is just an overloading method for getBelongingKnowledgeChunks(String ...)
 Set<KnowledgeChunk> Document.getBelongingKnowledgeChunks(String... types)
          This method is used to bypass the DocumentExtracion wrapper in order to obtain directly a Set of KnowledgeChunks.

Methods in it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc with parameters of type KnowledgeChunk
 Predicate KnowledgeChunk.addLink(KnowledgeChunk p1, KnowledgeChunk pn, KnowledgeChunk valueKc, String value, int pathLength, String valueType, int valueLength)
          Adds a property path to this KnowledgeChunk object.
 void KnowledgeChunk.addType(KnowledgeChunk type)
          Overload of the addType(type, isType) method.
 void KnowledgeChunk.addType(KnowledgeChunk type, boolean isType)
          Add a class (represented by a KnowledgeChunk instance) to this KnowledgeChunk specifying if is an asserted or excluded type.
 void KnowledgeChunk.removeType(KnowledgeChunk t)
          Removes the type t from this KnowledgeChunk.
protected  void DocumentExtraction.setExtractedKc(KnowledgeChunk kc)
          Setter for the kc field.
 void Term.setKc(KnowledgeChunk kc)
          Setter for the kc field.

Constructors in it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc with parameters of type KnowledgeChunk
DocumentExtraction(Document doc, KnowledgeChunk exKc, double weight, String note)
          Only constructor for DocumentExtraction class.
Predicate(KnowledgeChunk belongKc, KnowledgeChunk p1, KnowledgeChunk pn, KnowledgeChunk valueKc, String value, int pathLength, String valueType, int valueLength)
          Direct use of this constructor is discouraged.
Term(KnowledgeChunk kc, String value, double relevance, Integer frequency)
          Direct use of this constructor is discouraged.
Type(KnowledgeChunk kc, KnowledgeChunk type, boolean assertedType)
          Direct use of this constructor is discouraged.

Uses of KnowledgeChunk in it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.session

Methods in it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.session that return KnowledgeChunk
 KnowledgeChunk KCManager.getKnowledgeChunkById(String id)
          Used to load a KnowledgeChunk instance from the database.

Methods in it.unimi.dico.islab.idbs2.kc.session with parameters of type KnowledgeChunk
 Type TypeManager.getTypeByClassInstance(KnowledgeChunk type, KnowledgeChunk instance)
 void KCManager.saveOrUpdate(KnowledgeChunk kc)
          Give persistence to the given KnowledgeChunk object using associated Hibernate mappings.